This is the latest turbine that I hope to use on a Go-Kart, initially I will use it as a pure turbo jet and then maybe later as a turbo shaft unit as god intended..
One of the uses of the JFS100 turbine is as a Gas Turbine Starter or Jet fuel starter for the A7 Corsair Bomber Airplane. The engine is rated at approximately 100 HP.

Here are some preliminary views of the engine. The next four images were taken by the supplier in the USA. Accessory assembly on the lower left and Free Power Turbine exhaust on the right.

Igniter box pictured center of the engine.

Air intake, with transportation handles.

Splined shaft of the FPT which would normally connect directly to the aircrafts main engine for starting. At first glances the turbine seems to be in very good condition.

As I have not got a manual yet, I am going take a guess that the damaged electronic unit is part of the power turbine overrun protection circuitry. I guess we will see, I won’t worry about it yet.

Unpacked from the shipping crate, first impressions are good (apart from the damaged electronic box).

There seems to a fair amount of corrosion coming from the area of the power turbine stator. At this point I have decided its best to investigate a little further.

The power turbine drive shaft looks mint though! The splines are in great condition which is nice.

All the power turbine retaining bolts have been unscrewed and with a little persuasion the unit slides nicely of the gas generator section of the JFS100.

A little heat and some light tapping removed the spacer plate from the gas generator flange.

I guess this is where all the dust has come from, I hope it looks a lot worse than it actually is.

After a careful cleaning session with a fine wire brush, the old gasket and best part of the erosion has been removed, it looks a lot better now. However the pitting may be of concern in the future, also the Air Impingement starter pipes can now be clearly seen.

The Free Power Turbine unit after removal and cleaning. This would look good on any ones mantle piece.

View of the power turbine wheel after cleaning and there’s not a mark on it, which is good news.

Crumpled high tension lead from the igniter box, I guess by looking at some other web sites this is actually quite normal.

A picture of the JFS100 after a good cleaning with a tooth brush.

The two Canon electrical connectors used on the engine. As a note for those of you that need to get hold of the opposing connectors, the part numbers are IT3106F18-8S and IT3106E24-12S which are available from Servo Connectors in the UK..

Now I will have to find or make a gasket the will fit between the gas generator housing and the power turbine guide assembly. This is of course that I end up using the engine as a Turbo Shaft and not a Turbo Jet.

A nice clean gas generator section. Now I’m torn between making a turbo jet or a turbo shaft.

Turbo Jet it is then..
I have started work on the engine supports and the idea will basically be the same as the Solent frame. Shock mounts will be fixed to the support rail to reduce vibration.
I can now start on the serious stuff as the manual has just arrived from Bruce @ Avon Aero.

First test run of the engine. You can probably make out the wiring is bodged, but it’s all in place.
The FPT Stator needs to be in place so that the gases are directed on to the turbine wheel. However this will be removed when the nozzle is fabricated.
Paul from Terrafirma Jets having a play.
Slight glow on start up then cools down, this was to be expected.
Time to put the JFS100 in a Go-Kart, the storey continues here: